License Renewal Date
For an odd-numbered license – 6/30 of odd years; for an even-numbered license – 6/30 of even years.
CPE Reporting Period
7/1 to 6/30 biennially ending on even-numbered years for even license numbers and odd-numbered years for odd license numbers
General Requirement
80 hours
24 hours per year
Ethics Requirement
Ethics for First Permit Renewal
- Four (4) hours in professional conduct and ethics
- Programs in ethics shall qualify for CPE credit if such programs are offered by a sponsor registered with the Board and include information pertaining to each of the following topics:
- Oregon Administrative Rules and Oregon Revised Statutes pertaining to the practice of public accountancy.
- Examples of issues or situations that require a licensee to understand the statutes, rules and case law relevant to the practice of public accountancy.
- The Code of Professional Conduct adopted by the Board and set forth in OAR chapter 801, division 030.
- Review of recent case law pertaining to ethics and professional responsibilities for the accounting profession.
Ethics for Subsequent Permit Renewal
- Four (4) hours in professional conduct and ethics in any ethics program which meets Oregon’s general CPE requirements.
- If the licensee’s principal place of business is not Oregon, they may meet the Oregon ethics requirement by meeting the ethics requirement of the principal place of business. If the principal place of business does not have an ethics requirement, then the licensee must meet Oregon’s ethics requirement.
Credit Limitations
- Instruction and Published Materials: The maximum credit for instructors and authorship combined is 50% of total hours. Instructors are not allowed credit for repetitive presentations unless there are substantial changes in the material. Authorship credit is allowed as of publication date for first publication only.
- Non-technical credits: Credit in non-technical subjects is limited to 16 hours and cannot be carried forward.
- Practice Review: This type of credit is limited to 2 hours per instance and 16 total hours.
- Self Study: This type of credit must be approved by NASBA’s Quality Assurance Service (QAS).
- Fields of Study: This jurisdiction has a rule(s) placing limitations on certain subject areas or requiring a certain number of credits within a certain subject area or group of subject areas. Confirmation with the Board of the impact of the changes included in the new Fields of Study document, which went into effect September 1, 2016, is included in this analysis.
Credit Calculation
- Instruction: Instructors, discussion leaders, or speakers receive CPE credit for preparation time up to two times the time for presentation, in addition to the time for presentation.
- Partial Credit: Half credits are allowed; one (1) twenty-five (25) minute period is equal to one-half (1/2) CPE credit.
- University/college credit: Credit courses: Each semester hour equals 15 hours CE; each quarter hour equals 10 hours CE; Non-credit courses: Each classroom hour will equal 50 minutes credit.
Other State Policies
- Qualifying programs must be a formal program of learning that contributes directly to the professional competence of the licensee.
- CPE Credit for State Legislative Joint Ways and Means Committee Members: Licensees who serve as members of the Oregon Joint Ways and Means Legislative Committee shall be allowed to claim a maximum of 16 hours of CPE credit for this service.
- Licensees who review reports for the GFOA Certificate of Achievement program shall be allowed up to 16 hours of the total CPE requirement for the renewal period.
- Oregon accepts CPE credits for programs offered by National Registry sponsors.
- Licensees who review reports for the GFOA Certificate of Achievement program shall be allowed up to 16 hours of the total CPE requirement for the renewal period.
Municipal Auditors
- Licensees admitted to the municipal roster are required to complete 24 hours of CPE in subjects directly related to the governmental environment and governmental auditing during each renewal period. A minimum of 16 hours are required in the following subjects:
- Audits of state and local governmental units
- Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards and updates
- Generally Accepted Governmental Auditing Standards and updates
- Single Audit Act and related Office of Management and Budget circulars and supplements
- Oregon Local Budget Law
- Minimum standards of audits and reviews of Oregon municipal corporations
- No more than 8 of the 24 required hours may be in courses relating to generally accepted auditing standards and procedures.
Contact Info
3218 Pringle Road, S.E. #110
Salem, OR 97302-6307
Phone: 503-378-2280
Fax: 503-378-3575
Email: kimberly.fast@oregon.gov
Website: https://www.oregon.gov/BOA/Pages/index.aspx