License Renewal Date
6/30 triennially, based on last name beginning with: A-F 2017, G-M 2015, N-Z 2016
CPE Reporting Period
7/1 – 6/30 triennially
General Requirement
120 hours, with a minimum of 20 per year
Ethics Requirement
4 hours
Other Subject Area Requirements
Credit Limitations
- Instruction: Instructor credits are limited to 50% of total hours.
- Published materials: Authorship credits are limited to 50% of total hours.
Credit Calculation
- Instruction: Credit is equal to presentation plus preparation. Preparation is limited to two times presentation. Repeat instruction within a renewal period is only accepted if material is substantially changed and required preparation time that was more than 25% of the preparation time claimed for the original preparation of the course.
- Partial credit:Half credits are accepted after first hour.
- University/college credit: One semester hour equals 15 CPE hours; Non-credit courses – each classroom hour will equal one qualifying hour.
Other State Policies
- Carryover:A maximum of 60 credit hours may be carried from one reporting period to the subsequent reporting period. Carried hours cannot be used to meet the yearly minimum or ethics requirements.
- New Hampshire accepts CPE credits for programs offered by National Registry sponsors.
Contact Info
New Hampshire Joint Board
Anna Philbrook Building
121 S. Fruit St.
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 271-2219
Fax: (603) 271-7928
Email: dawn.couture@oplc.nh.gov
Website: https://www.oplc.nh.gov/accountancy/index.htm