License Renewal Date
6/30 biennially based on certificate number (even number = even years; odd number = odd years)
CPE Reporting Period
7/1 to 6/30 biennially based on certificate number (even number = even years; odd number = odd years)
General Requirement
80 hours (with a minimum of 16 per year if a licensed municipal public accountant)
Ethics Requirement
2 hours in professional ethics relating to the practice of public accountancy
Other Subject Area Requirements
If a licensed municipal public accountant, 8 hours per year in municipal accounting and auditing
Credit Limitations
- Group Internet-Based: Programs must be from sponsors approved by NASBA’s National Registry, the AICPA, or a state society.
- Instruction: 50% maximum.
- Personal Development Courses: 30% maximum.
- Self-Study: Programs must be from sponsors approved by NASBA’s National Registry or QAS, the AICPA, or a state society.
Credit Calculation
- Instruction: Credit is equal to presentation plus preparation. Preparation is limited to two times presentation. Repeat instruction is only accepted if material is substantially changed.
- Partial Credit: Half credits are acceptable after the first hour.
- University/College: One semester hour equals 15 CPE hours; one quarter hour equals 10 CPE hours; non credit courses – each classroom hour will equal one qualifying hour.
Other State Policies
- Carryover: 20 hours maximum earned in excess of the 80 hour requirement may be carried forward into the next reporting period. Carryover hours cannot be used to satisfy the professional ethics requirement.
- Exemption: The board may exempt from the continuing education requirements an individual who holds a permit from another state if: (1) The permit holder has a principal place of business located outside the state of Kansas; (2) the permit holder verifies to the board’s satisfaction that such person has met the continuing education requirements of the state in which the principal place of business is located; and (3) the board considers the continuing education requirements of the state in which the principal place of business is located to be substantially equivalent to those of Kansas.
Contact Info
Landon State Office Building
900 SW Jackson, Suite 556
Topeka, KS 66612-1239
Phone: 785-296-2162
Fax: 785-291-3501
Email: info@ksboa.ks.gov
Website: http://www.ksboa.org/