Renewal Date: 12/31
Reporting Period: 7/1 to 6/30 annually
Required Hours: 40 hours
Ethics Required: Yes. 4 hours every 3 years in a course which covers ethical behavior and the understanding of State and National Code of Conduct, Professional Conduct and State Licensing Regulations.
Subject Breakdown: 8 hours of the 40 hours of continuing professional education must be in the subject area of attest or compilation services if the licensee performs or is responsible for supervising attest or compilation services or signs or authorizes another person to sign reports on financial statements on behalf of the firm.
Credit Limits: The maximum credit for instructors is 20 hours. The maximum credit for published article and books is 10 hours. Credit for authoring published material is determined by the Board. There is no limit on self-study credits, but self-study must be interactive. Ethics credit cannot be carried forward. In addition, credits earned in excess of these limitations cannot be carried forward.
Contact Info:
Connecticut State Board of Accountancy
Secretary of the State
30 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06115
Phone: 860-509-6179
Fax: 860-509-6247
Web address: https://portal.ct.gov/DCP/Occupational-and-Professional-Division/Occupational–Profess/Certified-Public-Accountants