Renewal Date: Last day of birth month or registration month
Reporting Period: Biennial ending on the last working day of the birth month and an odd or even-numbered year based on the license expiration date
Required Hours: 80 hours with 50% in technical areas (Accounting, Auditing, Tax, Management Advisory, Business Law or any combination thereof). A minimum of 16 hours must be obtained via a LIVE classroom or Interactive webinar course.
Ethics Required: Yes. 4 hours of Board-approved ethics during the two-year period immediately preceding registration renewal. The 4-hour requirement shall include a minimum of 1 hour of each of the following: a. Ethics related to the practice of accounting including the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Professional Code of Conduct. b. Board statutes and administrative rules.
Subject Breakdown: 16 hours in Accounting, Auditing or Taxation
Credit Limits: Credit should be given for whole class hours only. Introductory computer classes have a maximum of 20 hours and no repetitions are allowed. The maximum credit for instructors is 40 hours; for articles/books, 20 hours. If written material is not used in conjunction with a seminar, credit may be earned if it is at least 3,000 words in length (no proration) and is published by a recognized 3rd party publisher of accounting material or a sponsor. 3,000 words = 2 credit hours. Teaching and writing combined should not exceed 40 credits.
Contact Info:
Arizona State Board of Accountancy
100 North 15th Avenue
Room 165
Phoenix, Arizona 85007, USA
Phone: 602-364-0804
Fax: 602-364-0903
Web address: http://www.azaccountancy.gov/